Tuesday, 1 October 2013

September 27 Homework - check your answers from this video.

This homework is about applying the definitions of current and potential difference to pulses of current in an X-ray tube.  It also gives you practice with handling calculations involving the charge on one electron (e = -1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs) and the large number of electrons that flow in electrical currents.

The equation for the energy transformed E = QVapplies to both the pulse of current and to each individual electron - for one electron the energy transformed is simply:
E = (the charge on one electron) x V, i.e. for one electron,  E = eV.

The worksheet is also on Moodle - here:

Watch the video, check your understanding and mark your work.  (I had a problem playing this via Internet Explorer in college - if this happens, try using Chrome instead.  Let me know by email (shunnisett at qeliz dot ac dot uk) if you can't watch the video.

Make sure you have written down your calculations clearly - add extra if you haven't.

Hand in your work - make sure you've marked it yourself, clearly - by Thursday 3 October.

Thanks, Steve

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