The topic
of Internal Resistance builds on and uses many of the concepts and equations we've learned earlier – it’s a good summative topic.
All you really need for internal resistance questions are a good understanding of:
- Ohm's law V = IR
- The fact that potential differences add up in series
- To remember that p.d.s or voltages are measuring the energy of the charge, in joules per coulomb
- In addition, that the 'lost volts' is the p.d. 'across' the internal resistance. Lost volts = Ir where r is the internal resistance
- It might also be useful in some questions to know that Power = VI = I2R
- Power dissipated in the cell or other source = I2r
- Also, power from the source is e.m.f. x current = Iε
doing questions on internal resistance you will be revisiting these topics –
this will consolidate your understanding and recall.
Remember that the internal resistance equation is in the formula book:
Vload = ε – Ir
Also, remember that Vload = IR where R is the load resistance, Ir = the lost volts and ε is the e.m.f. of the source
Questions from the Internal Resistance booklet: Internal resistance of power supplies.
Exam Questions Q 1. Remember that power = VI = I2R
Exam Questions Q 2. Involves some algebra!
Exam Questions Q 3. This is quite a challenging question requiring you to think about uncertainties carefully.