Thursday, 26 September 2013

Downloading and using the PHET construction kit

The DC circuits construction kit is hosted by the University of Colorado in the city of Boulder on the eastern edge of the Rockies.  See 

Watch this short video to see how to download the Java app.  

The next objective is to find out how Potential Divider circuits work.

Watch the video linked below to see how to use the circuit construction kit to make series circuits.  When you have two components in series the potential difference is divided between the two components.  This type of circuit is called a Potential Divider. Series circuits are the basis of many sensor circuits - we'll try making some sensor circuits in a future lesson.


Homework 20 September

Some people have said they couldn't find the link for some of the videos last week.

They are all linked from the document on moodle (the document is in AS physics on moodle - go to to log in, then click here: 
Here are the links for the videos -I've just copied them from the document, hope they work
  1. Potential difference explanation (ski slope analogy)
  2. Recap on Series and parallel circuits:
  3. It's not the volts that kill you, it's the amps [video explains why this isn't exactly true - you need both amps and volts: